Does your M&A firm or Private Equity group want to generate more inbound lead flow online? If you answered ‘Yes’ you are in the right place!
You probably hear stories from other firms about how many leads their website generates, but have not been able to replicate their success.
While there are many ways to increase inbound lead flow in the deal space, there is one easy strategy you should consider implementing that will immediately impact your business – contact forms.
But wait, you already have a contact form on your firm’s website. Well, it turns out there is more to a quality contact form strategy than just the form on your contact page.
M&A is different.
Unlike most other professional services, M&A advisor functions are not fully understood by your viewers right away. Because of this, M&A firms have a significantly high home page drop off rate. On average, an M&A firm can expect more than 90% of it’s traffic to leave the site before ever reading beyond the home page.
Why do viewers leave? Because they don’t know what they need. Because they don’t understand how you can help them. Because they have no way of easily having their questions answered without investing significant time and effort.
You need to make answering these questions as easy as possible for the viewer. By including different contact forms throughout the site, including your home page you can help ease the pain of discovery for these prospects.
Take the great team at Nery Corp below.

While Nery’s website has a traditional, text intensive home page, they break up the technical information with both a call to action and a contact form. The site has similar forms embedded throughout – this simple change can help transform your website from informational to call to action based.
Follows these best practices when updating your firms contact form strategy:
- Consider adding a contact form to nearly every page of your website
- Use different forms on different pages to limit redundancy and to allow for more tracking visibility
- Use buttons to increase engagement – terms like ‘learn more’ ‘contact us’ and ‘ get started’ all convert better than ‘submit’.
Remember, every page a visitor lands on should have lead capture function. If your viewers have to work to start a discussion you are asking too much of them online.
Need help improving your existing M&A or Private Equity firm’s website? Give us a call. We help build website’s exclusively for M&A and Private Equity firms along with helping increase firms’ visibility online.